What do you do when you don't have any wrapping paper and you are too lazy to go to the store? You get creative, of course! I needed to wrap gifts for a brother and sister birthday party. I looked around to see what materials I had available and then just let the shape of the gift dictate what I did. (The paper for both was bulletin board paper.)
This top gift was such an odd shape. Instead of trying to wrap that handle part, I decided it looked like a nose, so I just went with it.
This box I thought was shaped like a truck or bus. Since she would soon be starting pre-k, I decided a school bus would be appropriate. The number 4 represented her age at the time.
I was pleased with the final results, and they were a big hit at the party. I also had a great time making them. Sometimes it's a good thing when you have to think outside the (gift) box.
Those are so cute and creative! I'm especially impressed with the monster!