Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Pastor Appreciation Bulletin Board

October is Pastor Appreciation month.  Our church actually celebrates in September.  I believe that is because that is the anniversary of when our pastor came to our church.  Regardless of when you celebrate it, it is important to let your pastor and his wife know how much they mean to you. 

This bulletin board idea came to me on the day we would be celebrating, so I had to make it in just the few hours I had between church services.  Anyone who knows me knows that I am not a quick crafter, but if I was going to make this happen I had to do this in record time. 

I cut the sheep from the Paper Doll Dress Up cartridge and colored the detail using a black Sharpie.  I discreetly passed these out to the members at the dinner following the evening service and had them each write a message to our pastor and his wife.  I even had small sheep for the children.  I wish I had thought about this earlier so I could have had more members participate, but I think our pastor and his wife really enjoyed it.

*** (I finally replaced this bulletin board with the one found HERE.) ***

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